jeudi 3 mars 2011

Today is -already- another day

Today, for the first time in years, I feel a bit down.

When the Galliano-gate is on everyone's lips during this Paris boring fashion week, who honestly cares about the lousy Oscars ceremony, the 2012 French elections and the potential wannabe/don't wanna tell candidates or Jen Aniston's new haircut (was last week's buzz, which means, 23 years ago already).
Honestly, is it a reflection of our times, or are the medias running out of news?

For having been living in a non-democratic country for years, I guess I must have crystallized about how skilled and professional were the journalists, and the news back home.
Alas, it is with great sadness I realize it was a view from my mind.

A bad flu is putting me down today, and when I woke up this morning, I've head the sad demise of a Great Woman I truly admired, Janine, who has been fighting with illness for years.
God bless her.
No wonder I do not want to hear the rumours of the world today, shall it leaves me alone.
Forget me.

I wish we were already tomorrow morning.

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